Team Awareness/Tactical Assault Kit (TAK)

All things Team Awareness/Tactical Assault Kit (TAK)

Universal TAK Server Installer

Introducing a universal TAK Server installation script for the rpm, deb, and deployment. Includes the popular Let's Encrypt certificate provider for establishing trusted connections.

Implementing Channels in TAK

So, you want to implement channels? The difference is groups are active 100% of the time they are applied. For example, if you're a member of multiple groups you participate in those groups no matter what. With channels, you can enable the groups you need at any time.

Let's Build a TAK Server

So you want to build a TAK Server? The purpose of this guide is to build and familiarize ourselves with the TAK Server using the RPM installer and connect some clients.

TAK References

This is not the end-all-be-all but it's a good start. There are a lot of guides/videos out there - this is not an all-inclusive list, just a list of "trusted" or known sources.

Certificate error: peer not verified;

Certificate error: peer not verified; error is presented when the public certificate being presented to the client does not match who signed the server you are connecting to.

Revoking TAK Client Certificates Easy

If you're familiar with revoking certificates in TAK you will notice that you have to execute multiple tasks. With this script, you're able to execute this within your home directory using one step and a command.

Random Client Certificate Passwords

If you want to implement additional security with TAK Certificates, this script generates a random password for each client certificate preventing the sharing of a common password.

TAK Visio Stencils

Team Awareness/Tactical Awareness Kit (TAK) Microsoft Visio Stencils and Icons in PowerPoint Format.

[Archived] Implementing Channels in TAK

So, you want to implement channels? The difference is groups are active 100% of the time they are applied. For example, if you're a member of multiple groups you participate in those groups no matter what. With channels, you can enable the groups you need at any time.

TAK Security Best Practices

One of the first steps you should take after building your TAK environment is to secure your TAK Server and its clients. This is not a definitive guide on securing your environment but serves as a reference and starting point if you've just started.